The Right Technique to Throw a Kunai Knife
Posted by Cutlery Wholesaler on 3/11/2022 to

The tradition of knife throwing dates back thousands of years. A rewarding and easily-learnable hobby, it is gaining in popularity again. Knives of all kinds are available for throwing. It is truly amazing to hear the sound of a knife striking a target from yards away.
There are a variety of knives available for knife throwing, ranging from hunting knives to kunai throwing knives. The following guide will teach you how to throw a knife in a safe and accurate manner. You will learn how to choose knives, throw basics, throw types, throw stances, advanced throws, and general tips.
Kunai Throwing Knives- A Brief History
People have been playing knife throwing since prehistoric times. While I can't prove which culture was responsible for this invention, I can tell you that some of the earliest throwing knives were made from animal bones, rough chunks of rock and chipped stones.
One of the knives used for throwing purposes is called a kunai knife. It is a ninja knife that the ninja warriors used as fighting weapons against their enemies. Ninja used a kunai knife as a combat knife though it was thrown at their enemies. The knife had a sharp edge and a thin blade and could cause severe injuries.
The tools used to make these first kunai throwing knives were very basic—nothing more than sharp pieces of stone or bone that had been formed into a spear-like point. They weren't particularly aerodynamic but they got the job done and the people who used them survived to be our ancestors.
What a Real Throwing Knife Looks Like?
Knives come in a variety of styles. It doesn't matter what knife you use; your point needs to be semi-sharp and a little heavy to be effective. Apart from throwing knives, ninja also used another throwing weapon called ninja throwing stars. Also called shuriken, these are weapons shaped like stars and have a few edges on them.
The grip used to throw a hunting knife isn't the same as that used to throw a kunai knife. I will cover the differences between the two techniques later on, but for now let's just go to your house, cabin, local store, or shed to look for some knives.
Knives ideal for throwing should have these characteristics:
- The point is sharp, but there are no sharp edges.
- Safety is enhanced by rounded corners.
- The tip should be thick enough not to bend.
- Weighs approximately 200 grams. Lower weights require better accuracy.
- Don't forget: fancy grips don't mean a knife is better than the rest. Pick a knife you won't have to maintain.
- A knife with perforations is prone to breaking more easily than a blade with a solid core. When choosing a knife, choose one that has minimal perforations, as any hole can lead to a broken blade.

Where to Aim When Throwing the Knife?
Beginners and experts alike need to select a good target. In order to be successful as a beginner, you must focus on a large, soft target. As a result, you focus on correct rotations rather than accuracy or power.
Knife throwing requires a high level of safety. Be sure you throw in a space where there are no people or pets. You should wear hard shoes when throwing knives. It is important to alert people nearby of the danger before you throw your knife. Proceed with caution.
Throwing a Kunai Knife - Steps For Learning
We will begin by throwing a knife with half a rotation. We will then discuss full rotations, before presenting advanced throws. It's a great way to build up your skills and feel gratified when you reach your goals with these throws.
Stances and Knife Grip During Throwing
The stance and form required for knife throwing are similar to those of other sports. Your body posture and footing should be considered before throwing. Examples of good posture for throwing knives are:
- An untroubled body. You will most likely overthrow the kunai knife if your body is tense, which leads to bad form.
- Maintaining a straight posture. To ensure an accurate, straight throw, you need to stand straight.
- You should place your left foot slightly behind your right foot for right handed throws. Left-handed throws should be the opposite.
It is also important to think about how you hold the knife while you are throwing. Throwing knives should be held "like hammers". Ensure that your thumb is placed above all your other fingers and that nothing will interfere with the trajectory of the throw.
Grips For Throwing Knives
There are 2 main grips for throwing knives: pinch grip or ice pick grip.
Pinch Grip: Pinch works best for most people, but anyone can use an ice pick if they work more with it. The pinch grip is when your hand is pinching the tip of the blade.Ice Pick Grip: The ice pick grip is when your fingers are on top of the blade and your thumb is underneath it. You do not need a ton of strength to throw a knife and gripping too tightly will only cause damage to your arm, shoulder or body in general.
Start With Half Spin
With one half of a spin, we will throw a knife at our target. By the time you master this simple knife throw, you will be capable of more advanced techniques.Your target must be at the appropriate distance before you can start throwing your knives.

You will, however, need to consider your own kunai knife and distance as well. You should aim to be approximately six feet away from your target when you do a half rotation spin. Find your excellent spot by experimenting with different distances.
Grab your knife by the blade (handle facing skyward). Throw it moderately. Do not aim for the highest velocity. If you have the right target and knife, you will only need a moderate throw.
Throw Full Spin
Find the distance from your target that is most suitable for this throw. When throwing a rotational throw, you should stand between ten and eleven feet from the target. These are estimates. These approximations will differ based on your type of knife and form, so find your own "sweet spot".As you hold your knife, the blade should be facing the sky. Make moderate contact with your target with your knife. You'll need to maintain your stance and stay relaxed while executing this throw, as it takes a bit more precision than a half rotation throw.In order for the knife to adhere to your target, your target should be softwood, and the knife's tip should be sharp. After Learning these techniques, move to the advanced throws techniques.
Using a Kunai Knife to Defend Yourself
Throwing knives allow you to immobilize your opponent and make him incapable of harming you. These have more limited features than self-defense tools. These knives lack accuracy, velocity, and mass. It can help in preventing the attacks but it will require a lot of effort to kill the assailant.
Ninja warriors used kunai knives for self defense and combat purposes. Yes, the ninja sword was their main fighting weapon, but they threw these knives and stars on their enemies to injure them. They served as secondary fighting weapons. So, you can use these knives as your self defense weapons as well.
During hand-to-hand conflict, an individual who uses a knife demonstrates the ability to use their body mass to back every attack. In contrast, if you release the knife from a distance, it can cause severe damage to your adversary.

Kunai Throwing Knives Provide Many Benefits in Self Defense
- You can hold throwing knives and attack the foe with them, as they are lighter and easier to handle.
- It is not necessary to learn the techniques if you plan on using a kunai knife for defensive purposes. Guns, however, need proper training and misfiring can cause severe injury.
- Knives are far less expensive than guns, rifles, and other protective gear.
- Featured here are multi-purpose tools that are suitable for both fun uses and self-defense in times of need.
- The carrying of these knives does not require a license. However, guns cannot be carried without a proper permit or a shillelagh weapon will be deemed. So, you can use these knives as your self defense weapons as well to battle the attackers.
- It is convenient to carry these knives because they are lightweight and portable. In a purse or pocket, they are easy to put.
Practice to Gain Expertise
Knife throwing is most successful if you continue to practice. You can retain and improve your throwing skills through practice since much of it is based on "muscle memory". Try again and again with your kunai throwing knives to achieve that goal you want.
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